From the Creators of
‘The Bias Trap’ and ‘Sick – The Battle Against HG’
The Unequal Pandemic
How COVID-19 exposed deep structural
inequalities across the UK
A short film that lays bare the long-term institutional, societal and governmental failures that led to one of the highest excess covid death rates in the developed world. Family testimonies and startling evidence reveal how we were not all in it together. It asks how can we can build a fairer society for all, ready for when the next pandemic comes.
‘By five years of age, UK children are, on average, 7cm shorter than children in the Netherlands’
During Covid, men of Black African heritage had 3-4 times the mortality rate related to Covid compared with white men.’
‘We suffered the world’s 6th worst death toll, despite being rated highly on the Global Health Security Index’
Life expectancy is 11.1 years lower for men and 8.9 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of Liverpool than in the least deprived.
‘Living in a deprived area of the North East is worse for your health than living in a similarly deprived areas in London, to the extent that life expectancy is nearly five years less.’
‘By 2019, prior to the pandemic, the UK had more food banks than McDonalds outlets.’